The pitch is almost ready for April 16th. All I have left to do is paint and mow. We had .40 of an inch of rain today and more coming later tonight with a sharp warm up to the mid 80's for the weekend. That should make the grass really grow.
I have been working on the possibility of live streaming the match so that fans (parents) would be able to watch their daughters play. It has been quite a mental challenge for me but I think I have most of the problems solved. I am awaiting the arrival of a special cord to connect the video camera to the computer to complete the testing, and it should be here Monday or Tuesday of next week.
To view the game you need to scroll to the bottom of this page and click on the test screen. The site is currently offline but clicking on the arrow it should bring it up on your computer. There will not be any audio with the live stream of the game but there will be a chat line. I don't know if I will monitor it and chat or not but I will post scores.
You should be able to click on the icon in the middle of the screen to display the game in full screen. I would appreciate your help in testing this to see if everything works when you read this and let me know on the comment section that is on this blog post. I will also ask for your help in testing when I get the camera hooked up to make sure that it works and what quality of video that you are getting.